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3 votes

Should this answer be deleted/moved to comments?

Actually, the first line of that is an answer. Deleting the state file will do what the user wants (though the safety is obviously questionable). I can see that it does have some upvotes - it just has ...
Andrew Lott's user avatar
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2 votes

Was it right to convert this answer to a comment?

Thanks for asking. If you look at the recommendations on how to write a good answer you'll find some advise. To me it is important that a question should be answered. The post by paveloom references ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
2 votes

Should this answer be deleted/moved to comments?

On the other hand, you could just add a single line to the end of your existing answer to say something like "Delete the state file from [...]\TorBrowser\Data\Tor and restart Tor if you really need a ...
Andrew Lott's user avatar
  • 2,744

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