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Questions tagged [unanswered-questions]

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2 votes
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Answering and upvoting old questions

Currently we have quite a bunch of unanswered and old questions. It would be nice if they could receive an answer and if the person who answers them receives some reputation. Thatswhy I would suggest ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Taking care about many "Tor doesn't connect" question

When you browse Tor.SE you'll find lots of questions were Tor doesn't connect. Some people use plain Tor, other use bridges and some other people try to access onion services. I started to collect ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What to do with posts with a proper answer that the user does not mark as the answer?

There are a many questions that has been answered, and many of them has not been marked as "the" answer. Seems like a lot of users are just asking but does not bother to mark them. It can become a ...
IAmNoone's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to improve the number of answered questions?

The percentage of answered questions drops steadily. Now we are at 84% which brings the site one of the lowest numbers of all Stackexchange sites (SE sites sorted by question answered). I'm wondering ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What should we do with abandoned questions?

I came across a question which is now two months old. It is unclear what the OP does or why this problem occurs. The current answer seems wrong to me. I asked the OP some details and never got an ...
Jens Kubieziel's user avatar