This question/topic might be more appropriate for meta, but a new user can't post in meta until they score some points.
When browsing and searching
I found myself hitting the Cloudflare wall and also infrequently having to select pictures of salad to identify myself as a person and not a robot. What if I am indeed a robot? Isn't that discriminatory?
All joking aside, isn't there some quantity of irony here that a stack exchangeStack Exchange site revolving around the use of torTor and the torTor browser bundle constantly has it'sits security mechanisms tripped if you use said software to access the site?
Edit - JustAlso, I just got a warning that I could only post once a day "due to spam coming from my network"network." Seriously? Like, seriously?
I understand that Cloudflare may offer the site operators uptime and security defenses, but due to the number of complaints/questions on this stack exchangeStack Exchange dealing with Cloudflare's broken captchasCAPTCHAs, something I camcame here to investigate as well, I don't think that is good form.
For those who haven't realized it yet, you can generate a new circuit to get through to the site, since the offending thing is an IP and the new circuit gives you a new IP to the Cloudflare site. I have only gotten through 1 or 2 Cloudflare captchasCAPTCHAs and been presented with many and wound up giving up on going to the site. Some people claim that it requires scripts from Google, maybe that's why I never got it to work.