I'm Pops, a Community Manager at Stack Exchange. I'm here today to announce that you're getting a great new pro tem moderator:

Andrew Lott

Andrew is taking the place of Sam Whited, who decided to step down for personal reasons. So without further ado, please join me in welcoming Andrew, as well as thanking Sam for his service!

1 Answer 1


I'm both honoured and excited to step into this role! I hope I can make a positive impact on the community and help make Tor more accessible to the masses.

  • 1
    Welcome Andrew! I'm looking forward to work with you. :-)
    – Jens Kubieziel Mod
    Commented Jul 12, 2015 at 15:53
  • 1
    Welcome to the team!
    – IAmNoone Mod
    Commented Jul 14, 2015 at 18:49

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